It’s been a while…

Maybe not too long. It just feels like it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. 

I got in a fight with my family, which had nothing to do with my kiddo or this blog topic. Just the typical family drama that comes with siblings getting married, parents saying stupid stuff, and me losing my cool. Ugh.

My tomboy is doing good. There have been a ridiculous number of school events for the end of the year which I am constantly being roped into. I am pretty exhausted. Plus I’m just not sleeping well. I kind of want to cry all the time. I get that way when I’m overwhelmed. It drives me nuts cus I really don’t like crying. 

Anyway, enough about me. I was talking to another mom while waiting for our kids to get out of school and she asked where I got Jet’s hair cut. I was a bit surprised but we are casual friends and our kids play often so I told her where and who we go to, we love our stylist. She said her daughter really wants a pixie cut and she is nervous about taking her to just anyone since that’s a challenging haircut with a little girl. I was flattered! She really liked my kid’s short hair and valued my opinion. It was really neat. 

It is super hard to find a good stylist, especially one that doesn’t charge more for a cut than our water bill. The one we found, pretty much by accident, is amazing. Not only does she do amazing work, she is sweet and has never judged Jet for his hair choices. In fact she is his biggest cheerleader and loves each new style we come up with! It is very refreshing and wonderful. We have become great friends and she is the only one I’ll ever take my kids to again. We loves her and her open heart and mind.