Everyday Tasks

I didn’t really think about how having a gender non-conforming kid would affect our everyday tasks. Very simple little things I always took for granted. 

Tasks made complicated by having a girl passing as a boy:

~Taking him into the girls bathroom

~Going to the women’s dressing room

~Shopping for clothes

~Remembering what pronouns to use with whom (public places=he, friends and relatives=she)

~Explaining the haircut

~Explaining why “a boy is wearing girls clothes” when he wears his old shirts

~Explaining why “a girl is wearing boys clothes” when he wears a baseball cap and Tony Hawk outfit in front of friends

~Going to the first day of practice for girls soccer

~Going to the first day of Gymnastics

There are a lot more. I never had to think about this when he was a she. 

2 thoughts on “Everyday Tasks

  1. Are there co-ed teams at Jet’s age? Or, co-ed gymnastics classes?

    Just wondering, because things do get super complicated, and I’m hoping that things get less complicated as time goes on for you. But, I’m also wondering because I’m hoping that that’s becoming a “thing” now. I don’t know where you live, but in Portland, OR, I’m seeing more and more gender-neutral or co-ed activities for kids, and I’m thinking that makes a difference.

  2. I’m not sure. Gymnastics is usually co-ed which helps. Soccer at her age is not in our district but maybe in others. I’ll have to check that out. Thanks!

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